Strange Musings *hyuk*
Sunday, August 28, 2005
  10:43 PM — Books on Tape
I've gotten to listening to books on tape this past year. I rarely reread physical books, and I'm pretty certain I'll never re-listen to these. If anyone would be interested owning or borrowing any of the books-on-tape listed below, shoot me an email (zandperl-at-care2-dot-com) and I'd send it to you in exchange for something, or COD. Also, if you know of a trade-in program that isn't a scam, I'd be interested in that. Summaries are my own. Unless otherwise indicated, all are on tapes played once only and rewound to the beginning. For each of the below, I paid roughly $5 each.

I'm also working on The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, original BBC production. Douglas Adams produced the first two "installments" of the series as this radio broadcast BEFORE he wrote the novel trilogy with five books and a short story. (And the movie came after that.) Books 3-5 have since also been radio broadcast, but they are not original. H2G2 will be available for loan only to people I know in person. If you wanted to buy a copy yourself, it's only available through the BBC website, for GBP 16 (~$27) plus shipping.

I prefer physical books. There's something about turning those pages that I love. BTW I read The Diamond Edge. I enjoyed the utter complexity of that book. Have Snow Crash, but haven't read it yet.
I prefer physical too, but during the school year I don't have time for them, while on the other hand I spend endless hours stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic commuting the 5 miles to work and I have a tape deck in my car.

And in case you're wondering, no bike wouldn't be easier (hills, snow, traffic safety, personal safety), and I'm considering bus but haven't yet convinced myself.
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