10:34 AM — Comfort Zone
I worry about my little Peeper for the next month. She's taken a liking to my new futon, and sits on the left arm rest, contentedly preening herself, as I play on my laptop or eat at the coffee table which is really an old cedar chest my Nga Boo brought from China. I've been working on her comfort level with me moving around the house: like babies, she doesn't understand the concept of
object permanence and freaks out when I leave her line of sight. Well, I think she knows I'll be back, but prefers to complain about it. I've been training her to sit somewhere in the living room where she can see the whole living room, kitchen, and foyer, so that she'll hopefully only yell if I go into my bedroom or bathroom. And it seems to be working too, she's been more sedate about it lately. (It's T$'s fault really, my trying this: he gets tired of her yelling everytime we do something, and said I shouldn't jump at her every whim, and he's right.)
But now I'm worried about the move. It really takes her three months to get used to a new place, and we'll be in Lancaster for only three weeks, and then she'll even be without me for a whole 'nother week, but
Jethereal will be taking care of her then, so she'll be ok. She likes him a lot too, but he's no me. ;)