8:50 PM — Acceptance
Some asexuals have found it refreshing to come out as having no sexual attractions. They no longer have to fade into the background when sex comes into the conversation or fake sexual interest in order to fit in. They can be completely honest about who they are and what they feel.
--Asexual Visibility and Education Network
I ended up surfing over to Asexuality.org this evening, and the above quote reminded me of talking sports. A few of my fellow grads back when I was a grad student LOVED talking about sports. I feel I made my disinterest and boredom pretty plain, though I hope not rudely, in the hopes that "I'd no longer have to fade into the background or fake interest in order to fit in." And I did fake interest for a while--you'd think if I were clearly ignorant and unable to participate in the conversation that politeness would necessitate explaining the content to me. Unofischal at least tried to do so, which I'm glad of, but I still got tired of the topic. You'd think they'd have something else to talk about, and I really don't think it's a gender issue, as many women are interested in sports, and men OR women should have at least a smidgeon of common courtesey. *fumes*