8:48 PM — You young whipper-snappers!
Sound effect: phone ringing
Me: Hello?
Telemarketer: Hello, is your mother or father in?
Telemarketer has an old, grandfathery, gravely voice, with an accent somewhere between a southern drawl and Irish lilt.
Me: (
indignant) I'm 26 years old.
Telemarketer: Oh, I'm sorry! You sounded like you were 11! You'll be glad of that when you're 90.
both laugh
Me: I'm afraid I'm not that glad of it when I'm trying to get a job.
Telemarketer: (
pauses) I'm with the Fraternal Order of Police...
Me: I presume you're fundraising?
Telemarketer: Yessiree, we help to fund firefighters--
Me: (
still chuckling) Well, since I sound too young to get a job, I'm afraid I don't have much money to contribute.
Telemarketer: What sort of job are you trying to get?
Me: Astronomy
Telemarketer: Astronomy?
Me: Yep! (
extra emphasis on the "P")
Telemarketer: I'm not sure what jobs there are in Astronomy.
Me: Exactly. (
pause, then cheery) So I'm sorry I can't help, have a good evening.
Telemarketer: You too, and good luck with the jobs!
Me: And good luck fundraising!
Those guys from the Fraternal Orders of Police and Firefighters invariably make me laugh. I should donate some money just for that alone. Better than a stand-up, and no two drink minimum!